Monday, December 9, 2019

Release 0.4: Final Update (Week #3)

Release 0.4: Final Update

This is the final update for Release 0.4. I completed the internal and external requests which I will list down below. 


Issue #1: click here
PR for Issue #1: click here
Issue #2: click here
PR for Issue #2:  click here


Issue: click here
PR for Issue:  click here 

For the final release, I did 1 internal issue and 2 external issues. The internal issue was regarding passing the HTML through our coded HTML sanitizer before it gets put into post objects. I got into a bit of trouble understanding what the sanitizer is for and what it is suppose to do. However, through some research and I read through old issues where other classmates did sanitization for their code and I finally understood the purpose of sanitization. For the external issues, I did 1 issue which fixes a bug that occurred in the users code where he couldn't clear the input box for his to do list when he adds a new task/item. The 2nd external issue was a bit bigger which was about deleting items/tasks on the to-do list. This was done by adding a new Javascript file and adding a new function to delete row dynamically. I learned a lot in this release which included improving my skills in HTML / JS and also working with the HTML sanitizer that was created by another issue beforehand. 

Release 0.4: Week #2

Release 0.4: 2nd Update

The progress of Release 0.4 has been pretty good. I assisted another classmate with a issue and even though they did majority of the work, I did participate in researching and fixing bugs that took place.

Internal Issue: click here
PR: click here: click here

This week wasn't too productive which I regret as I was consumed by major projects from different courses. However, for this internal issue, it was about switching from JSDOM to puppeteer. I am glad that we were able to complete on time, however, I was unable to go for help with the teacher due to my schedule. Thus, my partner ended up doing it more consistently. Other than this, I was still unable to find a external issue for Release 0.4 and was currently rushing. It was decided that this issue and pull request be given to my partner and I find another one to be fair. So my learning objective for this week is to be more productive / obtain better time management.

Release 0.4: Final Update (Week #3)

Release 0.4: Final Update This is the final update for Release 0.4. I completed the internal and external requests which I will list do...